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About the Author

Wendel S. Cozier
Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic

Wendel S. Cozier, currently principal of the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic, Barbados, has been as a teacher, Head of Department of Technical and Vocational Studies, Head of Department of Business Studies and deputy principal. His proposal submitted to the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation in 2000 gained the Polytechnic a one year consultancy and in the setting up of the Centre for Open and Flexible Learning.

He has attended conferences in Distance and Technology mediated teaching, and has coauthored and presented papers in Barbados and South Carolina.
He continues to develop the leadership and managements skills of middle managers through annual seminars.

His areas of interests include access to lifelong learning, the development of online materials and blended learning to support technical and vocational education.
Mr. Cozier holds a B.A. and a Certificate in Educational Management and Administration, and has completed the requirements for the M. Ed. in Educational Administration.

Anthony Headley
Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic

Anthony Headley is Deputy Principal at Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic with responsibility for administration. He was Head of the Continuing Education Division during which time he completed the Distance Education for Development Course at the Institute of Education University of London in 2000. He co-authored, with Colin Latchem Margaretta Sealy, and Chesterfield Browne, the strategic plan for the implementation of Open and Flexible Learning at SJPP. He also co-presented with Colin Latchem and Margaretta Sealy a paper at PCF2 on the strategic planning exercise. He is presently researching an appropriate management structure to support the delivery of TVET education and training at SJPP, a requirement for the completion of an M.Ed in Administration and Management

St. Clair O'Brian Pinder
Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic

St. Clair O’Brian Pinder has spent 36 years at the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic, working in almost every area of Administration. The last 20 years were spent in accounts and finance.

He has experience in the budgeting and costing of both academic and technical programmes and the preparation of the annual budgets and financial statements of the institution.

The delivery of programmes in a non traditional or flexible modality brought new and previously unknown considerations to the budgeting, costing and financing process of the institution. This development has been most challenging and at the same time most exciting.

Mr. Pinder believes he has acquired the technical and financial skills to develop and/or design an accounting and financial management system and business model for any size or type of educational institution.

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The Research Support Tool was developed by The Public Knowledge Project