A Developing Country Perspective to the Challenges of Open Educational Resources
Rachel C. Prinsloo, University of South Africa
This interactive workshop, addressing the Innovation and Collaboration conference themes, aims to critically explore and examine the recently espoused claims of the benefits and advantages of Open Educational Resources (UNESCO, 2005; Larsen,K. and Vincent-Lancrin,S.,2005 and Johnstone, S.,2005).
Principles, models and processes for sustainable and equitable development (Keats, 2003; and Downes,2006) will be revisited to provide a more nuanced response to the challenges for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and Education for All (EFA) by 2015.
Planned Outcome
The workshop responses will be collated to deepen the position paper and contribute to the various discussion platforms and forums supporting the Dakar Framework for Action, ensuring that “Education is a fundamental human right…the key to sustainable development and peace and stability within and among countries, and thus an indispensable means for effective participation in the societies and economies of the twenty-first century, which are affected by rapid globalization...”.
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