Educational, socio-cultural and health care needs among scheduled tribes of Nandurbar District, Maharashtra: A diagnosis by YCM Open Univ Nasik, India
Satish Rastogi
Evaluation Division,YCM Open University,Nasik-422222,Maharashtra,India
Mansaram Pagar
Geography Department,ASC College,Manmad,University of Pune,Maharashtra,India Full text:
Last modified: October 15, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 4:15 PM in ST Windsor B
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It is essential to develop an awareness of modern society by preserving good things of unique culture among Scheduled Tribes in Nandurbar, Maharashtra, India.The Investigators had used Participatory Appraisal Technique for an assessment of their Socio Cultural , Health Care and, Educational needs being as below.
A)Socio -Cultural Needs - Child labour, Child marriage, Electronic revolutions.Modern Agricultural technology .Sexual abuse through sale of girls,Orthodox social belief ,Gambling ,Lack of Interaction among them.
B) Health Care Needs –Infant mortality, Early child birth, Dangers of Tobacco, local made wine. Family planning, Health of pregnant ladies and newly born babies,Anemia, Asthma, TB, Diabeties, Vitamines deficiency, malaria, skin diseases, leprosy, Nutritional Deficiency, Diarrhoea, Back Pain, Weakness, Night blindness. Cleanliness in and around their huts.Preserving safe and clean drinking water.
C) Educational Needs -Eradication of illiteracy, Knowledge of programmes offered by YCMOU Nashik. Awareness of jobs for them like, Mason, Carpenter, Plumber, Wireman, Automobile Mechanic, Health care/ Village life workers, Primary Teacher, Skilled Agricultural worker, Preparing toys/showpieces by using raw material in and around their area, Weaving, Knitting, Embroidary, Tailoring, Herbal & food products. It is helpful for Video Production.
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