Using ICTs to strengthen human rights capacity
Firoze Manji
1) Fahamu; 2) Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford
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Last modified: March 17, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 10:00 AM in NT Trelawny
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Fahamu has developed a range of distance-learning courses aimed at strengthening the capacity of human rights and civil society organisations. The topics covered are based on extensive research conducted in Africa into the training needs of such organisations. The courses are based on the provision of well-designed interactive training materials on CDROM and a tutor who facilitates the course through email discussions. Once assignments are completed, students attend a face-to-face conventional workshop and in the final phase undertake a practical project. Participants have come institutions such as human rights commissions, human rights organisations, non-governmental organisations, churches, women’s organisations, development organisations, UN agencies, youth organisations and private sector organisations. Course developed with the University of Oxford have included: Introduction to human rights; Investigating, monitoring and reporting on human rights violations; Advocacy and campaigning; Using the internet for advocacy and research; Leadership and management for change; Practical financial management for NGOs; Fundraising and resource mobilisation; JustWrite: an online course on effective writing. In association with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Fahamu has developed courses on Conflict prevention, Prevention of torture. Other courses have included the Role of the media in the Rwanda genocide; Campaigning for access to information; and Gender, violence and conflict.
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