A livelihood enhancement community based distance learning programme
Jennipher Kere
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Last modified: September 20, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 11:45 AM in NT Portland B
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This paper seeks to explore the impact of a non-fromal distance education programme on the learning and livelihood of the women in the fishing industry on the beaches of Lake Victoria and markets in slum dwellings.
The programme widely broadcasts through radio to a general audience. However, the primary target audience uses audio and print materials in organized learning groups facilitated by women selected from the groups, and trained to facilitate learning sessions when and where they choose. They use relatively cheap and easy to handle appropriate technology- solar powered audio-cassette players.
Through user designed series of radio/audio programmes covering a wide range of subjects that include Business Management, Health, HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Health, Mother&Child Health and Women's Rights, the women have improved their income and make savings, diversified their income generation activities and improved their health practices. Thus decreasing their vulnerability to common diseases and HIV/AIDS through poverty prompted casual sexual relations, a contributing factor to high prevalence rates.
The fishermen, who do not normally volunteer to paarticipate in learning activities, are now seeking to participate because they haave been inspired by the positive progress the women are making in their businesses and general development.
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