Developing a knowledge based LMS for an ODL system
Vijay Srivastav
Computer Division, IGNOU, New Delhi
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Last modified: August 15, 2006
Presentation date: 10/31/2006 2:15 PM in NT Portland B
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Knowledge is derived from information. Further, data bases are the input for deriving information at large. These data bases may be centralized or located at different locations across the world.
LMSs using ICT, generally referred as E-Learning Management System, are electronic environment that enable the delivery management and administration of range of learning activities, services, content and data.
Such quality e-learning software may, if developed, be found to be efficient and more effective for meeting ODL requirements pertaining to students, courses, and related aspects.
IGNOU, which is the world’s largest university, has deployed web based applications which are available through IGNOU web site. The facility is available for all dynamic information for student support apart from static information pertaining to IGNOU and its activities. The university is also in process of getting implemented wireless application for student supports through mobile phones.
The paper will discuss knowledge based LMS for E-learning management in ODL system with some specific reference to such facilities at IGNOU.
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