An Estimation of 'Gender Sensitivity' Among College Going Adolescent Girls - A Developmental Approach.
Hemant Rajguru
Academic Services Division
Nikhila Bhagwat
Dept of Extension Education, S.N.D.T. Women's University, Mumbai, India Full text:
Last modified: October 16, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 10:00 AM in NT Portland A
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In majority of developing and underdeveloped countries, women are considered second-class citizens. Violence against women is on a rise. The gendering process has subjugated women.
The present study dealt with ‘Gender sensitivity’, intending to modify their attitudes about themselves and other women.
College-going adolescent girls are on the threshold of becoming responsible citizen. Their notion of self-worth as women, if changed, we might succeed in altering their psychological make-up. The ‘Workshop’ method with innovative techniques provided in-depth discussion and review of the subject from all angles.
1. Estimation of Gender Sensitivity of college going adolescent girls.
2. Development of a workshop manual.
3. Execution of specially designed workshop.
4. Testing effectiveness of the workshop.
1. Sample size: Total population 1200- sample drawn 100.
2. ‘One pre-test --two post-tests’ pattern of research design.
3. Questionnaire of 100 items administered -before and after execution of workshop.
4. Comprehensive ‘workshop manual’ prepared giving minute details.
5. Critical appraisal of ‘workshop manual’ by two ‘Gender Experts’
6. Effectiveness and retention value of learnt concepts was determined.
1. In the pre-test 48.8 % participants advocated gender-biased standpoint. Where as in the post-test, only 14.7 % respondents held on to it.
2. More than 85 % had formed a ‘gender balanced’ perspective.
3. Gender experts rated ‘Workshop Manual’ to be very effective.
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