Vulnerability of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) in Collaborative Open and Distance Learning (AICODL) for Achieving Developmental Goals
Muhammad Zafar Iqbal
Secondary Teacher Education Department, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan
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Last modified: October 16, 2006
Presentation date: 11/03/2006 10:00 AM in NT Ortanique
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The paper postulates that open learning approach is not self-sufficient in itself unless it appreciatively and positively shares the program development and implementation with other stakeholders. The concept assumes that development is essentially about systematic, open and deliberate application of appropriate policies and utilization of resources. AICODL may feature consensus building through which learners may develop skills in collaborating with other colleagues. AICODL is a ragbag of ideas, and procedures for distance and open learning. The paper presents the impact analysis of experiments like that of the PANdora Project of IDRC (2005-2008), Appreciative Inquiry works of Chandi Parsaad Chapagain (2004), and World Bank’s initiative of “sharing knowledge to achieve development goals”. The paper concludes that impact of collaboration of one additional primary stakeholder (AICODL-1) increases the achievement level of development goal by approximately 7.63 % and for one secondary level collaboration (AICODL-2) is by 5.39%, AICODL may properly be tested as an operative model at national/international level, and ODL can not deliver properly as separate entity or as in isolated entrepreneur associated with endeavors of all stakeholders for the developmental goals. The paper recommends that, AICODL initiative may prove an effective way of sharing of needs and coordination of efforts.
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