Offering a distance learning course on surveying: A case study
Silvia Dewiyanti
Distance and Flexible Learning Support Centre
Robert Curley
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Last modified: October 16, 2006
Presentation date: 10/31/2006 4:00 PM in NT Ortanique
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In engineering subjects such as Geomatics, students need to understand the context of learning and apply their knowledge to the real work of a surveyor. Thus, learning materials should represent realistic situations.
At the University of the South Pacific (USP), GM101: Introduction to Geomaticsis offered as an on-campus and distance learning course. We have to provide distance learners with the same learning materials as face-to-face (on campus) students. Therefore the learning materials are designed to accommodate the needs of both types of students by using various media such as print, video and a web-based learning environment.
In this paper, issues in designing, developing and delivering learning materials for the Geomatics course will be discussed. Then, how distance learning students use the learning materials will be analysed. Findings from this study recommend several issues to be considered in delivering the Geomatics distance course including periodic evaluation, lecturer involvement, learning skills and sufficient facilities.
Keywords: Geomatics education; online learning; web-based learning; distance education; technology; ICT; multimedia.
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