A Gender Analysis of Perceptions on development of Competencies through a Distance Education Programme
Dayalatha Lekamge
Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka
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Last modified: August 1, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 10:00 AM in NT Portland A
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A Gender Analysis of Perceptions on development of Competencies through a Distance Education Programme
Dr. Dayalatha Lekamge , Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka
The Open University is the only university in the Country that provides opportunities for graduate teachers to get their training through the PGDE Programme in the distance mode. The total number as at 31.12.2005 is 2873 out of which 65% are female teachers. These teachers complete their professional training while serving in their schools and attending to family responsibilities. The effectiveness of distance education programmes in developing knowledge, attitudes and skills required by teachers has been questioned time and again though it was expected that teachers, especially females, would be facilitated in improving their qualifications through distance education.
The main objectives of this paper are to identify gender differences in student teachers’ perceptions, marks obtained for Teaching Practice Stage I, continuous assessment marks final examination marks for the course Educational Technology using gender as a criterion variable.
Two hundred eighty nine teachers responded to the questionnaire of whom 59.9% were female teachers. A significant difference could be observed between male and female teachers in the sample in their perceptions on skills related to inclusive education, professional development and development of teaching skills. Further, there was a negative relationship between student teachers’ perceptions and continuous assessment marks. However, when the data of the total student population was analyzed a positive relationship between Teaching Practice marks, Continuous assessment marks and final examination marks could be observed.
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