Think Globally, Learn Locally: Democratising Learning for Multilateral Organisations
Angela Kwan
Development Manager, Commonwealth of Learning
Bob Butcher
Deputy Director, LiPACE, Open University of Hong Kong Mary Wilson
Andrea Hope
Associate Academic Vice-President, Hong Kong Shue Yan College Dave Smulders
Instructional Development Consultant, British Columia Institute of Technology Full text:
Last modified: October 17, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 10:00 AM in NT Hanover
(View Schedule)
This session is particularly suitable for participants who may be considering a shift into e-learning as a workplace training solution. It provides a unique opportunity to interact with the “complete cast” of participants in the process of design, development, delivery and review of COL’s e-learning courses for international organizations.
The objectives of the workshop are to provide an opportunity for participants to:
· explore the benefits, challenges and applications of tutor-mediated e-learning for workplace training from the perspective of the learner, the tutor, the course provider and the employer; and
· reflect on the implications of COL’s success in expanding access to training globally for the employees of international organizations.
At the end of the workshop, participants will have a clear understanding of the key factors for success in the e-learning enterprise, including the roles of:
· learner support
· tutor support
· feedback and evaluation
· course design; and
· organizational culture
The Workshop is divided into two sections.
Section 1
Participants work in groups to analyse authentic case studies that reflect the experience of the tutor and the learner in workplace-based e-learning and to create a list of factors for success.
The workshop facilitators will then share their first hand experience as learner, tutor and course advisor on COL’s “Writing Effectively” courses and led discussion on the issues raised.
The final part of the first section will focus on the process of course development for tutor-supported e-learning in the workplace. Participants will analyse a further case study that reflects the cultural, pedagogical and equity and access issues raised by the process for both employers and course developers.
Section 2
Presentation entitled “Think globally, learn locally: Democratizing learning for international organizations”
COL has engaged with several international organizations to design and deliver sustainable transnational workplace e-learning through the application of internet-based communications technology to established principles of best practice in open and distance learning (ODL).
The universal use of e-mail and word-processing software throughout international organizations has opened opportunities for the democratization of learning by providing an effective alternative to traditional face to face educational delivery methods, accessible both to workers based in cities with high connectivity and those in remote areas.
Drawing on the experience of the Programme Manager and a current course developer, the paper explores how COL has addressed the challenge of developing effective professional development programmes for international organizations that connect people across the globe while respecting the value of local learning.
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