Practicing Student Support Through IGNOU Web Site
Vijay Srivastav
Computer Division, IGNOU, New Delhi
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Last modified: July 29, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 4:15 PM in ST Windsor A
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Indira Gandhi National Open University is the largest university in the world today with more than 1.4 millions of students enrolled. There are above 1000 academic courses offered under the umbrella of about 125 academic programmes.
Meeting the student requirements at such level is indeed a great challenge. Information prior to admission, admission details, SIM (Self Instruction Material) despatch details, examination date sheet, examination results, on line form submission are some major requirements which IGNOU has to meet timely. Having perceived the demand Computer Division at IGNOU started developing and putting online solutions meeting such requirements. Today, IGNOU site is much more informative and provides all such supports online through . This site is maintained , in all respect, by the Computer Division team. Successful access to database has more than 75k hits in a day during peak periods which is periodic in nature. The university follows semester system and admissions are also six monthly in most of the programmes and hence peak periods are observed almost every alternate month.
This paper will bring out practices being followed by IGNOU in populating, and maintaining the site for IGNOU students and others interested in ODL.
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