Basic Education through Open Schooling
Anita Priyadarshini
National Institute of Open Schooling
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Last modified: October 16, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 10:00 AM in ST Windsor A
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The Open Schooling system has emerged as viable system for providing education to out of school groups for achieving Education for All (EFA) . The successes of the National Literacy Mission’s programmes have opened educational opportunities for neo literates especially women. In order to provide a learning continuum from literacy to secondary education through open schooling, National Institute of Open Schooling has initiated the Open Basic Education Programme. It is the first programme using ODL methodology at a national level.
The strength of the OBE programme lies in its collaborative nature. At every stage there is synergy between different partners, whether for determining policy, curriculum development, delivery mechanisms, capability building or certification. The partners include educational providers within open schooling, non formal and formal schooling, from government and NGO sector. Academic support for curriculum development is provided by field functionaries, community persons, local subject experts. The infrastructure used is of NLM as well as government schools. The emphasis is on sharing of resources and ensuring minimal costs.
This paper attempts to highlight the successful collaboration between partners that has enabled OBE programme to be implemented in India and hopefully this could serve as a model for other developing countries.
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