Using World Space Radio to improve quality of primary education in Kenya at distance
Dr. Florence Odera
Maseno University
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Last modified: October 5, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 11:45 AM in NT Portland A
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Since the introduction of Free Primary Education (FPE) in Kenya when the Narc government of president Kibaki came to power in 2003, many primary schools have experienced large enrolment of pupils in classes one to eight such that in some schools there are over 100 pupils per class with only one teacher. Such increased enrolment influenced by the removal of tuition fees, and provision of free learning materials. Some schools have not been doing well due to lack of teachers and relevant resources, while others have managed to perform well. The large number of students who join school continue to be so large that the impact is for reaching and causing a lot of concern due to inadequate physical facilities, teaching and learning resources and qualified teachers.
In order to meet the challenges of free primary education, the Kenya Government recently introduced world space radio broadcasts to schools to supplement improve classroom teachers work and the quality of education at distance. The biggest change that faces free primary education is more on access to quality learning rather than quantity. With such observation and criticism of free primary education, a study was undertaken to bring into light the contribution of world space radio improve the quality of teaching and learning at distance in primary schools in Kenya. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data from headteachers and classroom teachers.
The overall findings showed that students learn from radio lessons and teachers also benefited from well researched programmes that helps to improve their teaching.
Key words: World Space Radio, Free Primary Education, Quality, Quantity, Physical Facilities, Resources and Teach
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