Distance Education Institutional Collaborative Models and Lessons Learnt
Pankaj Khare
International Division, IGNOU
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Last modified: August 28, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 10:00 AM in NT Portland A
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The demand for the quality higher education is so high and the growth of specialised knowledge is so fast that it is extremely difficult for any education providing Institution to meet the demands for relevant and just-in-time education by designing, developing and delivering its own programme to a large number of aspirants. In the present educational scenario, learners have wider choice in selecting the educational programmes and the institution, and thus, it becomes important that the providers have partnerships to address the needs.
Because of the nature of development of programmes and its delivery to a diverse group of learners spread over many countries, it is only possible through different models of collaboration, that the increased demands of higher education can be met; and institutions of higher education can reap huge benefits of ‘economies of scale’, sustainability, less overhead costs, increased efficiency and overall learner satisfaction.
This paper will analyse different models of collaborations and partnerships adopted by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi, India over the years to design, develop and deliver educational programmes internationally. Lessons learnt through these experiences shall be discussed for the benefit of other similar educational establishments.
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