Contribution of one mode of delivery and training towards capacity building in ODL and alleviation of poverty through expanded education. Context: An Open univ in South Asia (Bangladesh)
Manzurul Islam
Adviser, Bangladesh Open University, Gazipur, Bangladesh
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Last modified: August 23, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 10:00 AM in NT Ginger Lilly
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Achieving development goals, particularly through massively expanded education, can be much accelerated through open, distance and technologically mediated learning. Some conventional modes of delivery cannot be ruled out altogether. Print media continues to be one such mode, alongside the use of television, video, radio and the like. Most tutors and learners in remote areas do not have easy access to the ICT- aided courses. Inadequate provision for electricity and infrastructural facilities and absence of trained tutors make it all the more necessary to prepare and distribute speedily produced quality publications – study materials for learners and guidebooks for tutors. Over half a million learners in Bangladesh, being a part of the whole for the country, enrolled for secondary and higher secondary level education, some for higher studies, is catered through ODL. To contribute further towards alleviation of poverty via mass education, Bangladesh has gone one step further, by launching also lower secondary level courses for over a million intakes annually. In such gigantic tasks, collaborative efforts from neighboring and other countries are suggested. The paper explores areas and means of participatory works, policies and practices for capacity building also through training and research, leading to a more stable and prosperous world.
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