Meeting the Millennium Development Goals: Enhancing Gender Equity Through ICTs in Rural Communities
Kephers Otto
Ministry of education
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Last modified: October 16, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 10:00 AM in NT Portland A
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This paper aims to discuss the current status of ICTs among rural women. The discussion is based on the rationale that access to appropriate information and education is fundamental to generic development and equality of mankind .It examines the factors that currently affect access and participation of rural women in ICT-related activities. It further highlights some of the achievements already made in an attempt to improve this situation. Finally, it offers suggestions on some of the measures that should be taken by policy makers to achieve universal access of ICTs among rural women. From this discussion it is evident that despite remarkable progress which has been made worldwide in the field of information technologies, serious disparities still remain between men and women and also between urban and rural areas. These disparities are occasioned generally by cultural, economic and technological factors which need to be addressed with greater concern and urgency to enable rural women participate effectively in development matters.
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