Distance Learning Programme in Grain Management for the Southern African Development Community
Mungule Chikoye
Edward Chisala
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Last modified: August 3, 2006
Presentation date: 10/31/2006 2:15 PM in NT Manchester
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The Southern African Development Community - Regional Food Security Training Programme (SADC-RFSTP) in collaboration with In- Service Training Trust (ISTT) developed and piloted a distance learning programme in grain management targeting small to medium scale grain traders. The overall objective was to address food security issues through access to knowledge by distance learning.
ISTT organised two planning workshops which were attended by twelve participants from training institutions in Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia.
Subsequent to the planning workshops, the participants conducted a pilot programme in their respective countries. The programme was print based.
ISTT provided guidance and monitored the programme through review of progress reports, e-mailing and field visits. Lack of convenient and frequent access to telecommunication service was a major challenge faced by the collaborating training institutions.
ISTT in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) conducted another distance learning programme aimed at strengthening the capacity of front-line agricultural extension workers in Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Training workshops and online support facilitated the participants to develop print-based distance-learning materials, deliver, pre-test with prospective learners, revise, and pilot them in their countries.
The way forward is to replicate these programmes that are in demand across the SADC region.
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