Achieving development goals in Belize and Barbados via the Mexican EDUSAT model
Maria Isabel Tun
Independent Consultant/Researcher
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Last modified: March 27, 2007
Presentation date: 10/31/2006 4:00 PM in ST Windsor B
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The presenter will examine how the tiny and recently independent country of Belize is working toward achieving global development through collaboration with regional territories. The Presenter will show how achievements have been made within the context of the Millennium Goals. Goal 8 of the Millennium Goals aims to “develop a global partnership through development.” In line with this development goal, Target 18 outlines the strategy to bring to fruition Goal 8: “In co-operation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications” (United Nations).
Presenter will show how various sectors have benefited from this partnerships involving new technologies that center on information and communication. The presenter will use personal professional experience as Project Coordinator of the “Regional Satellite-Delivered Distance Education for Teacher Training and Human Development in Rural Areas” sponsored by the Organizations of American States to show how technology can effectively cross borders. This project allowed for small territories to participate in the actual establishment of a system designed to move developing countries toward closing the gaps between those who have and those who do not in the areas of technology, education, and knowledge transfer through education-based technological access via satellite and Internet.
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