Translating quality systems from face-to-face to blended modalities in a tertiary institution in a small island state
Nancy George
Office of Curriculum Development & Evaluation, The University of Technology, Jamaica
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Last modified: July 31, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 11:45 AM in NT Portland A
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The University of Technology, Jamaica (UTech) has developed a robust quality assurance and accreditation system and implemented it over the past eight years to ensure the high standards of its face-to-face course offerings. This system is supported within a clearly-articulated policy framework and managed by the Office of Curriculum Development and Evaluation (OCDE), whose primary responsibility is ensuring the quality of the University’s offerings. University policy requires that Schools and Departments adhere to the quality assurance system and apply for the accreditation of their programmes from national and professional accrediting bodies.
However, this system was developed primarily to underpin face-to-face programmes. Now that increasing numbers of courses are planned for blended, distributed and distance offerings, the face-to-face quality assurance and accreditation systems are being modified to address the peculiarities of these new modalities while maintaining the University’s standards.
This paper will review the features of UTech’s quality assurance and accreditation system, explore the modifications of these applications that UTech has identified as necessary for the distance, distributed and blended programmes it offers, and explain the policies and procedures it has implemented to ensure the quality and accreditation of the distance and distributed offerings at the University.
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