Wresting Opportunities in a Globalized World: A Strategy for Securing the Ascendancy of the Caribbean
Mitzie Reid
Institute of Caribbean Studies, University of the West Indies
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Last modified: October 16, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 2:30 PM in NT Portland A
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Forces militate against the persistence of the hegemonic position of developed countries since emerging world culture and prospects for attaining higher levels of development have made the international power structure redundant. The elite's bid to maintain power and reap rich rewards from deeper globalisation at the expense of the South cannot be sustained.
Removal of concessions from the Caribbean will provide the fulcrum for its ascendance. Survival necessitates demanding more from the international sytem through deepening integration and democracy. Caribbean citizens reflect the global trend of demanding greater accountability and participation in governance and determining their life chances. Such trend will make it increasingly difficult for the North, even the USA to dictate policies or sustain puppet governments in the region. The growing Caribbean community in the developed world will enhance the region's influence on policy therein.
Against this background, Caribbean statespersons can put mechanisms in place to avoid casualties and capitalise on the opportunities these developments provide for increased hegemony of the region. Consequently, the region can play an integral part in establishing an international culture that allows a new international political, economic and social order where developing countries will reap net benefits.
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