The e-Learning Jamaica Project
Avrill Crawford
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Last modified: October 16, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 11:45 AM in ST Windsor A
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Currently in Jamaica, while voice telephony has achieved practical universal access, there is relatively low demand for access to data and data-related services due to the relatively low level of education. This is a major hurdle to the creation of a knowledge-based society, critical to global competitiveness.
The Ministry of Industry, Technology, Energy and Commerce (MITEC) is collaborating with the Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY) to implementing the e-Learning Project in grades 7-11 in all approx. 165 high schools in Jamaica and utilizing information and communication technologies (ICT)s to enhance the teaching/learning process and improve the level of passes in the school-leaving examinations by providing:
a. A standard set of ICT-based instructional materials for teachers and students in 11 subject areas and available on various media, including exciting text, CD’s, DVD’s, Internet, Cable TV
b. Equipment, software and broadband access to schools and establishing a Central Repository (CREM) to house and manage the materials
c. Training and Professional Development of teachers in the use of the new technologies in instructional delivery
d. Extensive support of remedial programmes being undertaken by the MOEY and other institutions
e. Institution of a standard examination in grades 7-9 across all high schools that will measure the performance of students in each grade.
A pilot project is being implemented in 28 schools in 5 subjects during 2006-2007 and the project will be rolled out during 2007-2009.
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