Workshop on Institutional Readiness for Facilitating Learner Success in Open and Distance Learning Systems (with particular reference to the experiences of Developing Countries and Small States)
Jeanette Bartley
Continuing Education, Open and Distance Learning, University of Technology
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Last modified: September 14, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 11:45 AM in NT Ginger Lilly
(View Schedule)
Forum Theme: “Achieving Development Goals”
(SubThemes: Learning/Foundation)
Workshop Topic:
Institutional Readiness for Facilitating Learner Success in Open and Distance Learning Systems
(with particular reference to the experiences of Developing Countries and Small States)
Many popular definitions of Distance Learning imply the context of an organized institutional framework, with formal systems to enhance planned learning. Most definitions of Open Learning also highlight the philosophy and practice of providing the learner with choices and minimizing barriers in respect to age, gender, time or place. One anticipates that in implementing open and distance learning systems, institutions would consider the priority of facilitating learner-success, so that the systems become the means to the end, and not ends in themselves.
This interactive workshop will provide the opportunity for participants to explore prevailing concepts, priorities, challenges and opportunities while identifying best practices in implementing learner-centered and total systems approaches to open and distance learning. Of particular interest will the context of learning within developing countries and small states, in terms of their overall education institutional framework and access to information technology resources.
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