Copyright: Athabasca University sponsored panel
Frits Pannekoek
Athabasca University
Rory McGreal
Research Centre, Athabasca University Gordon Naidoo
Open Learning Systems Education Trust (OLSET) Santosh K Panda
Indira Gandhi National Open University Anne Forster
The University of Sydney Full text:
Last modified: October 20, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 11:45 AM in NT Manchester
(View Schedule)
More data was created in the last two years than has ever existed before in history. Not only do we have more information but this information is increasingly being 'born digital'. The Internet is the world’s largest intellectual commons providing learners and educational institutions with access to massive libraries of possible learning content either as relevant content for course readings or as specially designed “learning objects”.
This copyright workshop is designed to explore the evolving and complex interrelationship between online course delivery and copyright law, with special attention to the use of new technologies for the variety of digitizing, accessing, and storing functions enabled by the Internet. The presentations are designed to.raise the knowledge level and awareness of the range of issues associated with copyright and intellectual property issues as they apply to digitization within open and distance education contexts internationally in countries with legal systems based on British common law. This workshop will provide educators, researchers, librarians, and learning content developers basic information on copyright and intellectual property issues so that they can make informed decisions as they develop their digital learning projects. Legal issues come up in most if not all digital learning content projects, but few institutions have access to accurate information.
The panelists, through short presentations followed by an open discussion format will enable participants to learn more about copyright to help them in their decision-making processes and providing them with an overview of current copyright issues in distance education, addressing the continued struggles with "old" laws and the need to grapple with major new changes that are seriously impeding the development of online distance education.
The 150 minute workshop will consist of no more than 50 minutes of presentations by panelists, each followed by a brief question period. Then the presentations will be followed by an open discussion format addressing topics such as: “The origins and real meaning of copyright”; “Copyright basics” “Institutional and Policy Issues”; and “How to approach copyright in your institution”. Participants are expected to come to the session prepared with questions or problems that they have faced in their learning, teaching, or research. The participant questions will hopefully touch on most of the significant issues in copyright.
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