Livelihood skills and functional literacy via ICT in Sierra Leone: Issues, actions, problems and prospects
Olive Babydi Musa
Adult and Non-Formal Education Directorate, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Sierra Leone
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Last modified: October 17, 2006
Presentation date: 10/31/2006 2:15 PM in NT Ortanique
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The current practice of literacy is being strengthened by the linkage between literacy and livelihood. Literacy is both a basic need and right. The rights-based approach emphasizes the right of learners to access learning opportunities and the obligations of duty bearers to fulfill their obligations to enable learners exercise their right to learn.
The objectives of functional literacy are in consonance with the overall national development objectives with poverty reduction as a key focus. Literacy for livelihood is an effective methodological approach which ensures improvement of learners’ quality of life. A number of functional literacy initiatives in the country reveal that people enroll in literacy programmes because they wish to ‘’learn for livelihood’’.
There is little evidence on the use of ICTs for literacy although, tremendous opportunities exist for the use of radio. A survey revealed that there are 21 FM radios targeting large, albeit, illiterate audiences in the densely populated areas of Freetown, Bo, Kenema and Makeni.
To maximize the use of radio for literacy, learners should be mobilized; organized into learning groups and providers sensitized to the potential benefits which can accrue from the use of radio for literacy.
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