Panel description: Research, publication and dissemination
Rory McGreal
Athabasca University
Frits Pannekoek
Athabasca University Margaret Haughey
Som Naidu
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Last modified: September 14, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 10:00 AM in NT Ortanique
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A panel of distance education editors, authors and others will discuss emerging issues revolving around the scholarly dissemination of research, including a discussion of Open Access and the moves to create unrestricted access to journal articles and other research publications, while developing sustainable models for that production.
The panelists, through short presentations followed by an open discussion format will enable participants to learn more about academic publishing and open access issues to help them in their decision-making processes and providing them with an overview of current issues in the field.
The 75 minute panel will consist of no more than 30 minutes of presentations by panelists, each followed by a brief question period. Then the presentations will be followed by an open discussion format addressing the topics identified by the speakers and others of interest to the audience. For example “What is open access?” “What does it mean for academic publishing?” “Institutional and Policy Issues”; and “How to approach open access in your institution”.
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