Flexibility, in distance and time: a focus on Papua New Guinea secondary education
John Paul
Department of Education
Demas Tongogo
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Last modified: August 15, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 2:30 PM in NT Portland A
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Today we experience the effects of globalization, as well as knowledge era. Globalization has brought the world closer and has evolved around the need for maximum reachout. Whereas knowledge era has played an instrumental role in creating a knowledge society. The ‘knowledge’ society necessitates easy access to and sharing of knowledge. In a way it is a process of building learning communities.
Open and Distance Learning (ODL) provides an opportunity to build learning communities by taking knowledge to the doorstep of the learners. Universal education, lifelong education, continuous updating and innovation are needed for survival in the present age. Distance education meets many of the challenges, through a variety of innovative educational models in information communication technology (ICT) vocational, behavioral, management skills and teacher training are the likely tools for the future hopes of our nation. ODL offers numerous benefits to individuals, organizations and even to society in general.
There is much to gain from the intelligent use of appropriate technologies, especially broadcast communications based on satellite installations. Such technologies, when used in the context of well-structured distance education captions, can provide cost-effective remotes and deprived communities in the rural areas while at the same time enrolling formal school systems.
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