Workshop description: Strategies for strengthening democracy, good governance and social justice initiatives using ODL
Helena Fehr
Commonwealth of Learning
Paul West
Commonwealth of Learning Full text:
Last modified: September 27, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 10:00 AM in NT Trelawny
(View Schedule)
Practitioners and educators working in support of good governance practices, democracy and social justice initiatives often find themselves working in "ghettos". This session offers an opportunity for cross-fertilisation. Presenters will answer the question: "democracy, good governance and social justice – what role for ODL?" They will also reflect on their institutional/organisational learning experiences in the delivery process.
Five presenters will address the question from the perspective of their experiences in the country/region in which their programmes are being delivered: Namibia, Sri Lanka, UK, the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa. They will explore how the transfer of learning takes place; the effect of the training and how the learners’ experience translates into action; the impact on the community; and the constraints and possibilities of the application of technology within the context of how the participants are empowered within their own communities whether the learners are local leaders at the grassroots level, from local or national governments, the social justice sector or NGOs. Identify of strategies and recommendations for COL on how, and where, it can help to facilitate current and new initiatives will be encouraged from session participants.
Professor Uma Coomaraswamy, former Vice Chancellor, The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL), Sri Lanka
Ms. Frances Ferreira, Director, Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL), Namibia
Dr. Olabisi Kuboni, Campus Coordinator and Curriculum Development Specialist, Distance Education Centre (UWIDEC), The University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago
Dr. Firoze Manji, Director, Fahamu: Networks for Social Justice, UK
Dr. Jon Talbot, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Work Related Studies, University of Chester, UK
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