Quality Assurance in Teacher Education
K. Rama
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), India
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Last modified: October 24, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 2:30 PM in ST Windsor B
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The importance of the Quality Indicators and their proper identification and definition assumes the greatest importance in the context of continuous improvement and quality assurance. The key dimensions that reflect quality can be translated into indicators of quality. These serve two main purposes of the institutions
1. To measure the processes and their outcomes for making necessary adjustments and changes for quality improvement of the programme.
2. As an appropriate tool for monitoring the processes for continuous learning and ongoing improvement.
The underlying value is to prompt investigations that in turn provide insights into the quality provision of the institution and its programmes leading to continuous improvement. Some of the aspects necessary for effectively putting to use these quality indicators for ongoing improvement of the teacher education programme such as: how they can be used to measure multiple factors, use multiple techniques, involve people from all levels and units, Integrate the information from related indicators to provide complete picture of the institution, , adequate education and training to the members of the institution for identifying and using indicators are some of the issues which will be covered in this brief session.
The quality indicators are expected to be tools that prompt additional inquiry and data/information for making necessary adjustments for continuous improvement. The approach is not for definitive judgments on quality and student development. The information and data on each indicator would help institution standardize data on relevant areas of improvement, thereby providing a base for future plans through stratification and necessary adjustments in the processes. Comparing and contrasting using the data/information across the institution and with other providers will help in effectively ranking those aspects of teacher education that have a potential for improvement
The tools and approaches to translate the key quality aspects of the teacher education programmes into quality indicators would be discussed. As some of the indicators are interpreted as the areas, activities or processes on which evidence need to be collected through interviews, feedback sessions, interactions or validation of documented information, an orientation for the application and use of multiple techniques for using the quality indicators will be built into one of the sessions.
Finally a feasible approach for carrying out a self-assessment of the teacher education programme would be discussed and evolved for adoption and trying out.
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