United Kingdom Open University Open Content Programme
Andy Lane
United Kingdom Open University
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Last modified: September 20, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 2:30 PM in NT Portland A
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The UK Open University has developed a series of projects exploring the scope, scale and sustainability of open content within the education sector. In particular it aims to add to the knowledge and experience of other open content providers by bringing its longstanding experience and expertise in open and distance learning to bear on this wider movement.
This workshop will explain and examine the two largest of the UKOU's open content projects and provide an opportunity to discuss and debate the approaches being taken and also to influence or even participate in them. The two projects are:
1. Open Content Intiative (http://oci.open.ac.uk);
2. TESSA - Teacher Education in Sub Saharan Africa (http://www.tessaprogramme.org/)
The two hour workshop will begin with a brief presentation on each of the two projects by members of the UKOU teams involved followed by questions. It will then break into five discussion groups covering major issues facing open content devlopments:
A. What are the most appropraite pedagogic tools to employ in open educational resources sites?
B. What is specifically involved in authoring open educational resources?
C. What are the best ways of managing intellectual property rights in open educational resources?
D. What are the challenges for curriculum design provided by open educational resources?
E. What are the most effective forms of networks to create and sustain open content environments?
The workshop will conclude with a round-up session exploring the potential for collaboration and partnership in the future development of open educational resources.
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