The effectiveness of mobile short messaging service (SMS) technologies in the support of selected distance education students of Makerere University, Uganda
Richard Kajumbula
Makerere University
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Last modified: June 28, 2006
Presentation date: 11/01/2006 2:30 PM in NT Trelawny
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This paper reports the results of an exploratory study undertaken to test the effectiveness of Short Messaging Service (SMS) communication among selected first year Bachelor of Commerce External upcountry Distance Education students in Makerere University, Uganda. It is proposed that these results and their findings can inform more effective future usage of mobile technologies in Distance Education in Uganda. Using a questionnaire on a cluster sample of the students, and an interview guide on a purposively selected sample of tutors and administrators, SMS communication was found to be more effective in conveying information about upcoming programs and developments at the main campus. Students were enthusiastic about it. The sample will be studied for a number of semesters to establish the trend of the performance of the objectives.
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