Building up a diaspora from scratch (the conditions of emergence of process and collaboration in a global knowledge community)
Alain Senteni
VCILT, University of Mauritius
Sandhya Gunness
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Last modified: September 21, 2006
Presentation date: 11/02/2006 11:45 AM in ST Windsor B
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Etymologically, the term diaspora refers to a scattering of seeds which seems a good metaphor for VUSSC, a context where OER appear as the scattered seeds from which knowledge and developement will emerge. Seeds are essential but care is also, based upon systematic approaches for grass-root empowerment, development of strong ownership and emergence of effective innovative communities. Since VCILT creation in 2001, our research interest is focused on developmental intervention for learning and knowledge-creation in environments facing economic, technological, cultural and social change, where innovation is a prerequisite for organisational survival. We are seeking to understand what fosters or inhibits collaborative process and learning, while pragmatically developing interactive learning environments to facilitate their emergence. We will give examples of content, collaboration and community management systems (C3MS portals) developed by the VCILT to support community development and networking for capacity building in social work and in core ODL skills. We will also describe the “distributed change laboratory” research project whose objective regards the design of intertwined technical and social structures to support just-in-time learning adapted to rapid and unexpected demands from the environment.
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