The Fourth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF4)
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Presenters, Abstracts, and Papers

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Anita Priyadarshini, National Institute of Open Schooling
Basic Education through Open Schooling

Ian Sammy, Dept of Clinical Surgical Sciences
Brader Brathwaite, Centre for Medical Sciences Education
Jacqueline Wilson, Centre for Medical Sciences Education
A Blended Approach to Emergency Medicine Training: Developing an Integrated Curriculum for Mature Learners

Rachel C. Prinsloo, University of South Africa
A Developing Country Perspective to the Challenges of Open Educational Resources

Dayalatha Lekamge, Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka
A Gender Analysis of Perceptions on development of Competencies through a Distance Education Programme

Clive Vassell, Harrow Business School, University of Westminster
Nadia Amin, Harrow Business School, University of Westminster
A Learncasting Exchange: Using a mobile-enabled electronic market to enhance regional education and economic development

Jennipher Kere, None
A livelihood enhancement community based distance learning programme

Anurag Saxena, School of Management, IGNOU, INDIA
A Model for Evaluating Numerical through Computer

Rachael Dixey, Leeds Metropolitan University
Mary Green, Leeds metropolitan University
A model of ODL to address educational needs of health workers in Africa

Srini De Zoysa, Secondary and Tertiary Education, Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
A study of the factors influencing the educational achievement of the institutionalized children in Sri Lanka

Maria Isabel Tun, Independent Consultant/Researcher
Achieving development goals in Belize and Barbados via the Mexican EDUSAT model

Michele Deane, The Faculty of Education and Language Studies, The Open University
presented by Michael Bird , Faculty of Education and Language Studies, The Open University
Achieving Development Goals through cost-effective open and distance learning in Sub-Saharan Africa: what costs, how effective?

M.S.Palanichamy M.S.Palanichamy, Tamil Nadu Open University
P.Thiyagarajan P.Thiyagarajan, Tamil Nadu Open University
Achieving Development Goals:Impact of Vocational Programmes of Tamil Nadu Open University

Godallage Gunawardena, National Consultant, Commonwealth Education Fund, Sri Lanka
Achieving Millennium Goal 2: The Challenge of Reaching the Disadvantaged in Sri Lanka

Mark Figueroa, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of the West Indies
Addressing Gender Differentials in Educational Achievement: A Caribbean Perspective

Anant Joshi, School of Education, Yashawantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik, MS, India
Madhavi Dharankar, School of Education, Yashawantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik, MS, India
Kavita Salunke, School of Education, Yashawantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik, MS, India
Addressing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment through Distance Education: A Case of Programme for Self Help Group Facilitators by YCMOU

David Walker, Commonwealth of Learning
Addressing Health MDGs with ODL

Reuben Aggor, Institute of Adult Education, University of Ghana
Addressing the HIV Epidemic in Ghana through Open and Distance Education

Gamini Kulatunga, Agricultural Engineering OUSL
Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihood through DE

Pauline Ngimwa, The African Virtual University
An African Experience in Providing a Digital Library Service: the African Virtual University Example

John Paul, Department of Education
Ouka Lavaki, Department of Education
An alternative pathway for open learning and skills training through distance education in Papua New Guinea

Hemant Rajguru, Academic Services Division
Nikhila Bhagwat, Dept of Extension Education, S.N.D.T. Women's University, Mumbai, India
An Estimation of 'Gender Sensitivity' Among College Going Adolescent Girls - A Developmental Approach.

Patrick Seleta Ngoma, Adult Education and Extension Studies, University of Zambia
Moses Changala, Directorate of Distance Education
Assessment of distance learning programs and factors that contribute to the dropout rate among distance students at the University of Zambia

Md. Parves Sultan, Bangladesh Open University
Koichi Miyoshi, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Bangladesh Open University: An Evaluation

Isabella Rega, NewMinE Lab - University of Lugano
Lorenzo Cantoni, NewMinE Lab - University of Lugano
Stefano Tardini, eLab - University of Lugano
Bruno Olivatto, CEAP
Francisca Nery, CEAP
Ornelia Marques, UFBA
Francesca Fanni, USI
BET K-12: What do Brazilian teachers in disadvantaged schools think of ICTs?

Elizabeth Watson, University of the West Indies
Beyond the course: How distance education library services changes women's lives

Devon Duhaney, Department of Secondary Education, State University of New York (SUNY) New Paltz
Burchell Duhaney, Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts
Blended Learning: Rethinking Educational Delivery for Development

Svava Bjarnason, Association of Commonwealth Universities
Borderless Education and Development

Wendel S. Cozier, Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic
Anthony Headley, Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic
St. Clair O'Brian Pinder, Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic
Bridging the Digital Divide: An Institution’s Effort at the Implementation of Online Learning

Susan D'Antoni, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning
presnted by Nancy George, University of Technology, Jamaica
Building and supporting international Communities of Interest:Open Educational Resources/Open content

Collins Kwabena Osei, CSIR-Crops Research Institute, Ghana
Reuben Aggor, Institute of Adult Education, University of Ghana, Legon
Building the capacity of agricultural facilitators and farmers in Ghana: Providing complementary training with Open Distance Learning and Information and Communications Technology

Alain Senteni, VCILT, University of Mauritius
Sandhya Gunness
Building up a diaspora from scratch (the conditions of emergence of process and collaboration in a global knowledge community)

K. Mustafa Toure', None
CARICOM SIDS IT Training and Capacity-Building Priorities

Barry Baker, University of Central Florida
Central Florida Memory: The Development of a Collaborative Digitization Partnership Model Serving Learning Communities.

Anusha Wijayaratne, Library, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Challenges Encounter by the Librarians of Developing World in Providing Library Services to Support Open and Distance Learning: the Open University of Sri Lanka Library Experience

Richard Siaciwena, The University of Zambia
Challenges of a dual mode institution: The case of the University of Zambia (UNZA)

Pauline Williams-Green, Department of Community Health and Psychiatry, The University of the West Indies
Tomlin Paul, Community Health and Psychiatry
Affette McCaw-Binns, Community Health and Psychiatry
Challenges of the distance modality for postgraduate training in family medicine

Martin Franklin, Department of Economics,U.W.I., St. Augustine Campus
Roger Hosein, Department of Economics,U.W.I., St. Augustine Campus
Closing the Digital Divide in Trinidad and Tobago: the experience of Community-based Learning Centres.

Judi Walker, Faculty of Health Science, University of Tasmania
Jo Osborne, Faculty of Health Science, University of Tasmania
Collaboration and adaptation: a contextual model for efficient delivery of vocational degrees in small island states

Elaine Jackson, Advanced Training and Research in Fertility Management Unit, University of the West Indies
Pansy Hamilton, Advanced Training and Research in Fertility Management Unit, University of the West Indies
Joan Meade, Advanced Training and Research in Fertility Management Unit, University of the West Indies
Lillith Williams, Advanced Training and Research in Fertility Management Unit, University of the West Indies
Collaboration and Networking in Distance Learning: The experience of the University of the West Indies with the M.Sc. Counselling Programme by Distance Education

Charles McSweeney, University of Belize
Collaboration in Addressing National Issues - The University of Belize's Collaboration in Transnational Digital Government Research

Jeanette Bartley, Continuing Education, Open and Distance Learning, University of Technology
Collaboration in Distance Education as a Strategy for Supporting National and Regional Development: The UTech-Jamaica Experience of Challenges and Opportunities

Monty Jones
presented by Ralph von Kaufmann
Collaboration in learning at the farm level to achieve development goals

Mantina V. Mohasi, Adult Education, National University of Lesotho
Dr H. Manthoto Lephoto, Adult Education, Nationa Univerity of Lesotho
Collaboration of stakeholders as an expanded learner system for a distant learner.

Shokahle R. Dlamini, Institute of Distance Education(IDE) - University of Swaziland
Collaboration: A viable strategy in combating the HIV/AIDS crisis in Swaziland

Kapil Kumar, IGNOU, India
Collaborative Models in Course Design and Delivery: The IGNOU Experience

Olabisi Kuboni, University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre (UWIDEC)
Communicating for the purpose of learning in the online environment: an analysis of student-initiated communicative acts in UWIDEC's blended learning pilot project

Alison Mead Richardson, Kigali Institute of Education : Distance Training Office
Comparative cost analysis in distance teacher education

Patrick Seleta Ngoma, Department of Adult Education and Extension Studies, University of Zambia
Completing degree programmes by distance learning

Bijay Nanda
Connecting Community with Knowledge: An ICT mission

Jim Gaskell, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
Jeff Miller, Office of Learning Technologies, University of British Columbia
Constructivist Approaches to Developing Diverse Communities of Learners Online: Examples from the MET program

Manzurul Islam, Adviser, Bangladesh Open University, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Contribution of one mode of delivery and training towards capacity building in ODL and alleviation of poverty through expanded education. Context: An Open univ in South Asia (Bangladesh)

Denise Rosemary Nicholson, University of Witwatersrand
presented by Dick Kawooya
Copyright - Are people with sensory-disabilities getting a fair deal?

Frits Pannekoek, Athabasca University
Rory McGreal, Research Centre, Athabasca University
Gordon Naidoo, Open Learning Systems Education Trust (OLSET)
Santosh K Panda, Indira Gandhi National Open University
Anne Forster, The University of Sydney
Copyright: Athabasca University sponsored panel

Paul Walcott, UWI, Cave Hill Campus
Jamillah Grant, Instructional Development Unit, UWI, Cave Hill Campus
Creating e-Portfolios through collaborative and technology-mediated learning

Sharon Roffey
Creating ODL Learning Materials Made Easy: A workshop to introduce the new COL instructional design template.

Haaveshe Nekongo-Nielsen, Centre for External Studies
Creating pathways to community economic development through open and distance learning: The University of Namibia Northern Campus approach.

Heather Ford, iCommons
Wayne Mackintosh, Commonwealth of Learning
Creative Commons and access to education in the Commonwealth

Jon Talbot, Department of Work Related Studies, University of Chester
Delivering distance education for modern government: The F4Gov programme at the University of Chester

Abtar Kaur, Open and Distance Learning Pedagogy Centre, Open University Malaysia
Kenneth Ho, Open and Distance Learning Pedagogy Centre, Open University Malaysia
Design and Development of Learning Objects for E-Learning

Vijay Srivastav, Computer Division, IGNOU, New Delhi
Developing a knowledge based LMS for an ODL system

Uma Coomaraswamy, The Open University of Sri Lanka
Developing Competencies in Good Governance and Local Leadership in Sri Lanka: ODL as a viable option to reach the periphery

Mizanoor Rahman, Bangladesh Open University
Developing Courses of Studies for the Junior School Certificate (JSC) Programme of the Open School of Bangladesh Open University (BOU), a partnership programme with an NGO coalition, Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE)

Kay Xuereb, School of Education, University of the West Indies
Developing Literacy through Information and Communications Technology - a Jamaican School's Project

Mohan Menon, COL
Developing Virtual School with Transformative Value

Krishnapratap Bhagwantrao Powar, Edupro Foundation
Developing-World Perspective on Cross Border Higher Education

Dr. Sitansu Sekhar Jena, IGNOU
Development of Professional Competencies through Distance Mode: An Analysis on the Programme Components of IGNOU

Carole St. Laurent
Digitally Assisted Diffusion of Innovations

Ashok Gaba, Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education, IGNOU, INDIA
Santosh Panda, STRIDE, IGNOU
Ashok Sadhwani, Distance Education Council, IGNOU
Distance Education and Human Resource Development:Undergraduate Learners’ Perception towards Employability

Ali Fawaz Shareef, Maldives College of Higher Education
Kinshuk, Massey University
Lynn Jeffrey, Massey University
Distance Education in Small Island Nations

Pankaj Khare, International Division, IGNOU
Distance Education Institutional Collaborative Models and Lessons Learnt

Cosmas Makunka, University of Zambia
Patrick Seleta Ngoma, University of Zambia
Distance Learning Access to Higher Education in Zambia

Mungule Chikoye
Edward Chisala
Distance Learning Programme in Grain Management for the Southern African Development Community

R. N. Bhaskar
Educate, enlighten, empower through open source distance learning

Nirmal Busgopaul, BETA Program
Educating marginalised young people in Mauritius

Jessica N. Aguti, Department of Distance Education, Makerere University, Uganda
Education for national development: The Makerere University dual mode experience

Shermaine Barrett, Education Division, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, University of Technology, Jamaica.
Education for Sustainable Development: A Framework for Jamaica

Satish Rastogi, Evaluation Division,YCM Open University,Nasik-422222,Maharashtra,India
Mansaram Pagar, Geography Department,ASC College,Manmad,University of Pune,Maharashtra,India
Educational, socio-cultural and health care needs among scheduled tribes of Nandurbar District, Maharashtra: A diagnosis by YCM Open Univ Nasik, India

Wanjira Kinuthia, Middle/Secondary and Instructional Technology Department, Georgia State University
Rabelani Dagada, Institute for Curriculum and Learning Development, University of South Africa
Elearning Delivery: Exploratory Study of ICT in Higher Education in South Africa

Hazelann Gibbs Depeza, The Centre for Creative and Festival Arts, The UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad.
Empowering Male Prisoners for Meaningful Living

Dr. D. Janaki, Mother Teresa Women's University
Empowering Women through Distance Learning in India

Shivani Jain
Mamata Pandya, Centre for Environment Education
Enabling continued adult-learning through open and distance learning

Yasmeen Yusuf-Khalil, Centre for Gender and Development Studies, Regional Coordinating Unit, University of the West Indies, Mona
Engendering Development Needs: 'Doing' Gender Through Distance Learning In The English-Speaking Caribbean

Francis Donkor, Department of Technology Education, University of Education, Winneba
Joshua Mallet, Commonwealth of Learning
Enhancing Apprenticeship Training in Ghana Through Distance Learning

Maheshchandra Pant, NIOS,New Delhi, India
Rajkumar Arya, NIOS,New Delhi,India
Enhancing mathematical attitude through video programmes among 10th standard NIOS learners: An experiment

Chandra Gunawardena, Open University of Sri Lankaa
Swarna Jayaweera, Centre for Women's Research
Ensuring Education for All: Non-schooling, early drop out and high absenteeism in Sri Lanka

Claudette de Freitas, Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI)
Terrence Phillips, Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism
Jethro Greene, Eastern Caribbean Trading and Development Company
Exploring the potential of networks for empowerment of Caribbean agricultural producer groups through learning and collaboration

Anouk Janssens-Bevernage, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Roger Stern, University of Reading
Facilitated e-learning in sub-Saharan Africa

Wendy Kitson-Piggott, The Caribbean Epidemiology Centre
Wilson Valerie, The Caribbean Epidemiology Centre
Facilitating Learning through Collaboration in a World without Frontiers

Judith W Kamau, Distance Education Unit, University of Botswana
Factors Affecting Students Completion from the In-service Diploma in Primary Education (DPE) by distance mode at the University of Botswana

Shironica Karunanayaka, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
First Experiences in Collaborative Online Learning: A Case Study

John Paul, Department of Education
Demas Tongogo
Flexibility, in distance and time: a focus on Papua New Guinea secondary education

Claire Millington, Barbados Community College
From Colonies of Learning to Commonwealth of Learning: Some Thoughts on the Significance of Distance Education from the Preindependence Era.

Zellynne Jennings, University of the West Indies
From the Pomeroon to Portland: The challenges of training teachers by distance in contrasting contexts in the English -speaking Caribbean.

Sushmita Mitra, National Institute of Open Schooling, New Delhi
Gender and Open Schooling in India

Frances Mensah
Good Governance, Social justice and Democracy. Can ODL make a difference?

Des Roberts, Regional Director
Governance in Higher Education in South Africa: A transformation and development perspective

Jennifer Evans, Distance and Flexible Learning Support Centre, University of the South Pacific
Valentine Hazelman
Hard digital realities: Teaching with technology in the Pacific Islands

Dudley Morgan
Emmanuel Ojo
Gerry Angel
Have we found any other way to test the true education acquisition skills of our students besides written examinations? - Exploration of a new paradigm

Elizabeth Walker, Neurobiology and Anatomy, West Virginia University
Barbara Kraszpulska, Neurobiology and Anatomy, West Virginia University
Edwin Allen, Neurobiology and Anatomy, West Virginia University
Aurelio Gomes, Division of Infectious Diseases
Health Sciences E- Education: Teaching Virtual Anatomy Labs

Dale Mueller, California State University at Dominguez Hills, College of Health and Human Services, School of Nursing
Tanya Mueller, Azusa Pacific University
How the Ballot Brought About Funding and Changes for Mental Health Services

Jennifer Evans, Centre for Educational Development and Technology, University of the South Pacific
Judi Walker, Faculty of Health Science, University of Tasmania
Jo Osborne, Faculty of Health Science, University of Tasmania
Valentine Hazelman, Centre for Educational Development and Technology, University of the South Pacific
How to Bridge the Digital Divide?

Hakikur Rahman, Sustainable Development Networking Programme of Bangladesh
ICT Mediated Learning for Socio-Economic Empowerment

Jo Osborne, Faculty of Health Science, University of Tasmania
Jennifer Evans, Centre for Educational Development and Technology, University of the South Pacific
IDPacifica – the emergence of a professional community

Phalachandra Bhandigadi, NCERT,
Impact of EDUSAT on School Students and Teachers

Judith W Kamau, Distance Education Unit, University of Botswana
Increasing access to university education through the distance education mainstreaming policy: The case of the University of Botswana

John Dada, Fantsuam Foundation
Informal ODL in resource poor setting, case study from rural Nigeria

Georgina Frohlich, The Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning, Polytechnic of Namibia
Instructional design challenges within the Polytechnic of Namibia

Martha Macwani Sitali, Ministry of Education, Directorate of Open and Distance Education
Interactive Radio Instruction

Julien Hofman, Department of Commercial Law, University of Cape Town
presented by Tobias Schonwetter
International agreements, national fair use legislation and copyright royalty collection agents

M.I. Junaid, National Commission for Nomadic Education
IRI for nomads: A two-pronged ODL scheme for delivering basic education to nomads in Nigeria

Frances Mensah, NAMCOL
Is NAMCOL Cost Efficient?

Neil Butcher, South African Institute for Distance Education
Knowledge Management Strategies for Distance Education

Pema Eden Samdup, School of Humanities, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India
Learning in the ODL System and Postcolonial India: A Case Study of the Post Graduate Literature Courses Offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi

Wendy Kitson-Piggott, The Caribbean Epidemiology Centre
Joan Laurie, The Michener Institute
Learning to Learn

Neela Jagannathan, CEMCA, New Delhi, India
Library without Walls for Distance Learners of South Asian Region: A Dream Far-fetched

Uma Coomaraswamy
Life Long Learning for Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Rural Prosperity : Sri Lankan Initiatives on Empowerment of Rural Women through Technology Mediated Open and Distance Learning

Olive Babydi Musa, Adult and Non-Formal Education Directorate, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Sierra Leone
Livelihood skills and functional literacy via ICT in Sierra Leone: Issues, actions, problems and prospects

Kim Mallalieu, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of the West Indies
Pamela Collins, MRP Programme, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of the West Indies
Meeting development needs through online learning: the MRP (Telecommunications) experience

Kephers Otto, Ministry of education
Meeting the Millennium Development Goals: Enhancing Gender Equity Through ICTs in Rural Communities

Johan Hendrikz, Unit for Distance Education,Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Mobile phone technology as an instrument for student support in Africa

Sharon Huttly, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London
Susan Horrill, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London
Anne Tholen, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London
More than blended learning: lessons learnt in postgraduate health studies

Sugata Mitra, Centre for Research in Cognitive Systems, the NIIT Institute
New technologies on the Internet for self-organising systems in e-learning

Richard Wyles, E-Learning Department at The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
New Zealand Open Source Virtual Learning Environment Project - A Case Study in Achieving National Development Goals using Open Educational Resources

Kevin Foday Wando Thoronka, Childhelp, Sierra Leone
Non-formal primary education

Surabhi Banerjee, Netaji Subhas Open University, India
ODL for Agricultural Development and Rural Poverty Reduction

Scott McLean, University of Calgary Continuing Education
Alexander Flor, University of the Philippines Open University
Malcolm Hazelman, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
ODL for Agricultural Development and Rural Poverty Reduction: A Comparative Analysis of Innovation and Best Practice in Asia and the Pacific

Silvia Dewiyanti, Distance and Flexible Learning Support Centre
Robert Curley
Offering a distance learning course on surveying: A case study

Gangappa Kuruba, University of Botswana
On the job Training and promotion of skills through Open and Distance Learning- A strategy

Comfort Olufunke Akomolafe, Educational Foundations and Management
Open and distance learning as a mechanism for women empowerment in Nigeria

Judi Walker, Rural Clinical School, University of Tasmania
Open and distance learning for workforce development in rural and remote medicine to sustain declining health services

Ramasamy Chinnachamy
Durai Rajangam Durai, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Open and Distance Learning Programme of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University: An Innovative Approach in Technology Transfer

Som Naidu, University of Melbourne
Dayalatha Lagamge, Faculty of Education, OUSL, Sri Lanka
Shironica Karunanayake, Faculty of Education, OUSL, Sri Lanka
Mohan Menon, COL
Open Dialogue session on Situated Learning for Teacher Development

Dr. P Thamizoli, MSSRF
Ms. R. Rengalakshmi
Krishna Alluri, COL
Open Distance Learning (ODL) for Sustainable Agriculture among the Small and Marginal Farmers

Tony Dodds, retired, formerly Univ of Namibia and IEC
Open Learning and Human Development: the IEC story: mission accomplished...or is it?

Lystra Sampson-Ovid, Ministry of Education, Trinidad and Tobago
Open school…opening doors to education for all

K.S. Yuen, Open University of Hong Kong
Peter Cheung, Government of Hong Kong
Open University of Hong Kong panel: Steering clear of copyright roadblocks in developing open and distance learning materials

Andrew Robertson, Commonwealth Youth Programme
Henry Charles, Commonwealth Youth Programme
Overcoming the geographic divide through distance learning methodologies: Youth development training by CYP

Tony Dodds, retired, formerly Univ of Namibia and IEC
Overcoming the internal digital divide

Shivani Jain, Centre for Environment Education (CEE)
Abdurrahman Umar
Sitansu Sekhar Jena
Mohan Menon
Pramod Kumar Sharma
Panel and Open Dialogue: Green Teacher Diploma in Environmental Education

Stewart Marshall, Distance Education Centre, UWI
Panel description: Challenges and collaborative opportunities for distance education in small developing countries of the Commonwealth

Kodhandaraman Balasubramanian, Development Consultant and Catalyst
Krishna Alluri, Commonwealth of Learning
Surabhi Banerjee, Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), India
Terrence Philips, Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), Guyana
Peter Fenrich, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Canada
John Dada, FANTSUAM Foundation, Nigeria
Jennipher Kere, Women In Fishing Industry Programme (WIFIP), Kenya
Collins Osei, Crops Research Institute, Ghana
Panel description: Computer-supported collaborative learning and ODL for informal groups

Teresa Anderson, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission
Ann Floyd, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission
Jonathan Jenkins, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission
Hilary Perraton, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission
Panel description: Crossborder cooperation and scholarship policy

Elizabeth Watson, UWI, Barbados
Anusha Wijayaratne, Open University Sri Lanka
Pauline Ngimwa, African Virtual University
Neela Jagannathan
Panel description: Libraries without walls

Scott McLean, Faculty of Continuing Education, Univeristy of Calgary
Rajangam Durai, TNAU, India
Ralph von Kaufmann, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Kenya
Uma Coomaraswamy, Consultant for Asian Development Bank, Sri Lanka
Nowshad Khan, Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan
Jethro Greene, (ECTAD) St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Wale Adekunle, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria
Panel description: ODL for Agricultural Development and Rural Poverty Reduction - a presentation from the Commonwealth

Rory McGreal, Athabasca University
Frits Pannekoek, Athabasca University
Margaret Haughey
Som Naidu
Panel description: Research, publication and dissemination

Mortimer Neufville, NASULGC
Janet Poley, ADEC Participants from Jamaica and Region
Dean Sutphin, Agricultural and Extension Education, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
V. Balakrishnan, Tamil Nadu Animal and Veterinary Sciences University (TANUVAS), Chennai, India
Claudette de Freitas, Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI), Trinidad and Tobago
Moses Tenywa, Makerere University, Uganda
Panel description: Rural and Community Development – Community supported learning for informal groups

Dr Sitakanata Sethi Sitakanta, University of Mysore, Karnataka, India
Participatory Development and Local Governance

Chandra Gunawardena, Open University of Sri Lanka
Partnership and Collaboration in Research: Towards Achieving Gender Equity in Higher Education

Samuel Haihuie, IoE, University of London
Pedagogy and Technology: Is it the art and science of teaching or is it the media of transmission that enhances distance learning?

Prof.Sudheer Dhume, KLS Institute of Management Education and Research, Affiliated to Karnatak University, Dharwad
Raju Gondkar, KLS Institute of Management Education and Research, Affiliated to Karnatak University, Dharwad
V Murgaiah, Business Studies, Kuvempu University,
M.S. Subhas, Management Studies, Karnatak University, Dharwad
Perceptions of Business Education Students towards eLearning: An Empirical Study of North Karnataka region of India

Jane Kanas, Distance and Flexible Learning Support Centre, The University of the South Pacific
Perfecting 1 amongst 109: English in multilingual Vanuatu

Nowshad Khan, Department of Agricultural Sciences, AIOU
Rabia Gul, Department of Agricultural Sciences Allama Iqbal open University
Potentials of distance learning in achieving development goal: Eradicating Poverty

Vijay Srivastav, Computer Division, IGNOU, New Delhi
Practicing Student Support Through IGNOU Web Site

Susan Crichton, Faculty of Education; University of Calgary
Gail Shervey, counsultant
Elizabeth Childs
Preparing Teachers to Facilitated Blended Learning

Olabisi Kuboni, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
Preparing the public sector professional for the age of e-governance: issues of course design and delivery and andragogy

Wendy Kitson-Piggott, CAREC
Lya Visser, Learing Development Centre
Wayne Labastide, CAREC
Professional development in the health sector: How to know what is available and what is required to offer quality training using distance education

Jon Gregson, Imperial College London Distance Learning Programme
Promoting access to post graduate distance education and development impact through collaboration, scholarships and appropriate use of technology in Africa

Nafisatu D. Muhammad, National Commission for Nomadic Education
Promoting gender equity and empowerment among nomadic women: A preliminary report on an extension program

Surabhi Banerjee, Netaji Subhas Open University
Public-private partnership for technical, vocational education and training (TVET)

Anna-May Edwards-Henry, Instructional Development Unit, UWI, St. Augustine
Dianne Thurab-Nkhosi, Distance Education Centre, UWI, St Augustine
Aisha Wood-Jackson, Campus Information Technology, UWI, St Augustine
Quality Assurance in Online Learning at the University of the West Indies:A Baseline Survey of Online Courses

K. Rama, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), India
Quality Assurance in Teacher Education

Rama Kondapalli, National Assessment and Accreditation Council
Quality school education – how to make it a reality

Dileep Kumar Guntuku, ICRISAT, India
Balaji Venkataraman, ICRISAT, India
Rapid Customization of Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs): A new paradigm for Content Generation and Localization for Open Distance Agricultural Education and Extension

Annmarie Kormawa, Africa Rice Center (WARDA)
Kanayo Nwanze, Africa Rice Center (WARDA)
Reaping the power of partnerships for mainstreaming HIV/AIDS issues in Sub-Saharan Africa Agriculture and Rural Development

Hisham Dzakiria, Deputy Dean (Research and Graduate Studies), Faculty of Communication and Modern Languages, Universiti Utara Malaysia
Researching Distance Learning Using a Qualitative Case Study Approach: Tackling the issue of generalisation - to generalise or not to generalise ...

Cherryl Stephens, Syllabus Unit, Caribbean Examinations Council
Lennox McLeod, Syllabus Unit, Caribbean Examinations Council
Responding To The Need for Resource Materials Through Distance Education: In Pursuit of a Collaborative Model

Abdul Mannan, University of Papua New Guinea
Role of open and distance learning in accelerating outcomes of the millennium development goals

Sreenath Dixit, Division of Resource Management
Dileep Kumar Guntuku, Department of ICT For Agriculture
Balaji Venkataraman, Knowledge Management and Sharing
Sanjay Borkar
Ram Takwale
Rural Knowledge Centers: Partners in Promoting a New ODL Paradigm

Santosh Panda, Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi 110068, India.
Ashok Gaba , STRIDE, IGNOU
Sohanvir Chaudhary, DEP-SSA, IGNOU
Satellite Conferencing for Professional Development of Elementary Teachers Towards Education for All

Clayton R. Wright
Selecting an Open-Source Online Course Development and Delivery Platform: An Academic Perspective

Sunday A. Reju, Regional Training and Research Institute for Open and Distance Learning (RETRIDAL), National Open University of Nigeria
Soft-boundary or re-crystallised learning objects: A new model for knowledge society development

Babatunde Ipaye, Learner Support Services, National Open University of Nigeria
presented by Professor Olugbemiro Jegede, University of Nigeria
Strategies for sustainable learner support services in developing nations

Agnes Mwang'ombe, University of Nairobi
Geoffrey Kironchi, University of Nairobi
Moses Tenywa, Makerere University
Strengthening Agricultural and Environmental Capacity through Distance Education: Partnership between University of Nairobi and Makerere University in East Africa and University of Florida and CIAT

Ontiretse Tau, Distance Education Unit, University of Botswana
Structure and Process in Dual-Model Institutions: Implications for Development

Senani Rajamanthri, Department of Management Studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka
Kanchana Bulumulle, Department of Social Studies, The open University of Sri lanka
Student expectations of classroom sessions at the Open University of Sri Lanka – ODL or conventional?

Lawrence Mahon, School of Education, Victoria University
SWIRL and Talking Books: A Tool for Cultural Enrichment

Jawarimal Parakh, School of Humanities, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India
Teacher as Distance Teacher: A case study of ODL system in India

Prof. Prakash Lonkar, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences Universith, Seminary Hills, Nagpur, 440 006, India
Dr. Ajit Maru, F.A.O., Rome
Techmode approach for distance learning courses

Barbara Deodat, IDCE/UG
The Broken Lives: Countering Illiteracy's Influence

Ioana Chan Mow, Dean Faculty of Science, National University of Samoa
Wing Au, School of Education, University of Sotuh Australia
Gregory Yates, School of Education University of South Australia
The CABLE Approach for Teaching Computer Programming. How effective is it?

Christine Marrett, Distance Education Centre, UWI
Stewart Marshall, Distance Education Centre, UWI
The Caribbean Universities Project for Integrated Distance Education: Collaborating to overcome the difficulties faced by Small Island Developing States

Dianne Thurab-Nkhosi, Distance Education Centre, UWI
The Challenges of Blended Learning at UWIDEC: A Case of ICT innovations in the developing country context

Anita Thomas-James, UTech
Geraldene Hodelin, UTech
The Challenges to distance education in technical and vocational Education in the Caribbean: The case of the special diploma in teacher training at the University of Technology, Jamaica

Haaveshe Nekongo-Nielsen, Centre for External Studies
The contributions of open and distance learning to national development in Namibia

Anil Ramnanan, University of the West Indies
Margaret Bernard, The University of the West Indies
The Delivery and Development of an online course using Open Source Learning Content Management Tools

Permanand Mohan, The University of the West Indies, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The Design of CaribLearn: Supporting the On-line Collaboration of Students Taking the CXC CAPE Examinations

Avrill Crawford
The e-Learning Jamaica Project

Richard Kajumbula, Makerere University
The effectiveness of mobile short messaging service (SMS) technologies in the support of selected distance education students of Makerere University, Uganda

Trudie Frindt, Continuing Education
The impact of Video Conferencing on Distance Education: A University of Namibia Case Study

Gidado Tahir Alabi, Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC), Nigeria
Tony Alabi, Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC), Nigeria
Salihu G Bakri, Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC), Nigeria
The Need for Open Schooling in Nigeria

Carmeta Tate-Blake, Barry University
The Power of Microsoft Office Tools in the ODL Environment

Kennedy Edwine Onyango, Community Initiatives and Social Support Organization (CISSO)
The Promise of Technology and Power of Partnerships..

Anisha Rajapakse, The Commonwealth Foundation
Jyotsna Jha, The Commonwealth Secretariat
The Role of civil society in achieving gender parity and equality in across the Commonwealth: A Panel presented by the Commonwealth Foundation and the Commonwealth Secretariat

Walter Sukati, Institute of Distance Education, University of Swaziland
Esampally Chandraiah, Institute of Distance Education, University of Swaziland
Nokuthula Vilakati, Institute of Distance Education, University of Swaziland
The Role of Distance Education in Gender Equality and in Empowering Women- A Case Study of the Institute of Distance Education

Jan Jacobus Nitschke, Namibian College of Open Learning
presented by Irving Charles Williams
The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Science Education: the Case of the Namibian College of Open Learning

Ann Floyd, The Open University (UKOU)
Mohan Menon, Commonwealth of Learning
The Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa programme: preparing for implementation

Jane Devereux, The Open University
The Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa programme: Using innovative online approaches to teacher education.

Tobias Schonwetter, University of Cape Town, South Africa - Department of Commercial Law
The three-step test within the copyright system

Stamenka Uvalic-Trumbic, UNESCO
The UNESCO/OECD Guidelines for Quality in Cross-Border Higher Education

Ainsworth A. Ovid, Ministry of Education, Trinidad and Tobago
The use of an open and distance learning modality in the delivery of the visual and performing arts curriculum with special focus on the magnet/specialist programmes in Trinidad and Tobago

Paula Nunes, Public Health and Primary Care Unit, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus
The Use of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) with Video-taped Feedback Assessment as a Teaching Tool of Communication Skills

Hanafi Atan, School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
The Usefulness of the Functionalities of the Distance Education Electronic Portal

Dick Kawooya, Sch of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee
Theorizing and Practicing Fair Use: Copyright Challenges for Africa’s Higher Education

Angela Kwan, Development Manager, Commonwealth of Learning
Bob Butcher, Deputy Director, LiPACE, Open University of Hong Kong
Mary Wilson
Andrea Hope, Associate Academic Vice-President, Hong Kong Shue Yan College
Dave Smulders, Instructional Development Consultant, British Columia Institute of Technology
Think Globally, Learn Locally: Democratising Learning for Multilateral Organisations

Nokuthula Vilakati, Institute of Distance Education, University of Swaziland
Towards a curriculum innovation: HIV prevention at the Insitute of Distance Education, University of Swaziland

Juliana Bbuye, Department of Distance Education, Makerere University
Towards developing a framework for support services for Universities in Uganda.

Samson Gunga, Educational Foundations, University of Nairobi
Towards Formulating Principles for Online Education: The implications of access to the World Wide Web

Nancy George, Office of Curriculum Development & Evaluation, The University of Technology, Jamaica
Translating quality systems from face-to-face to blended modalities in a tertiary institution in a small island state

Charmaine McKenzie, University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre
Paulette Bell-Kerr, University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre
Howard Smith, University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre
Tutor Interaction in the Online Environment: An Assessment of e-Tutoring Support in Blended Learning

Andy Lane, United Kingdom Open University
United Kingdom Open University Open Content Programme

Suresh Garg, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
Kapil Kumar, IGNOU
Uma Kanjilal, IGNOU
Pankaj Khare, IGNOU
Use of ICTs for Capacity Building in the ODL System

Stephen Foerster, Free Curricula Center
Charles Evans, Free Curricula Center
Use of Open Content in Creating Curriculum Materials for Distance Learning: Implications for Developing World Educational Institutions

Haldane Johnson, UTECH
Raymond Dixon
Using blended teaching approaches to upgrade qualifications: The experience of in-service industrial technology/TVET teachers in Jamaica

Firoze Manji, 1) Fahamu; 2) Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford
Using ICTs to strengthen human rights capacity

Kiran Maharaj, The University of the West Indies, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Permanand Mohan, The University of the West Indies, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Using m-Learning Technologies to Support Tertiary-level Education in the Carbbean

Adewale Adekunle, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Krishna Alluri, Commonwealth of Learning
Using ODL aided by ICT and internet to increase agricultural productivity in rural Nigeria

Jerry Raymond Beukes
Using Radio in Innovative ways to support ODL Learners in Namibia: Opportunities, Challenges and Achievements

Dr. Florence Odera, Maseno University
Using World Space Radio to improve quality of primary education in Kenya at distance

Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Secondary Teacher Education Department, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Vulnerability of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) in Collaborative Open and Distance Learning (AICODL) for Achieving Developmental Goals

Paul West, Commonwealth of Learning
Helen Lentell, Commonwealth of Learning
Wayne Mackintosh, Commonwealth of Learning
VUSSC Panel Session

Permanand Mohan, The University of the West Indies, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Where is the Learning in e-Learning? Changing Emphasis from Learning Objects to Learning Designs

Janet Rangou, University of Papua New Guinea
Women academics have the potential to contribute to the Millennium Development Goals in Nation building through Open and Distance Learning in Papua New Guinea.

Judith Soares, University of the West Indies, Barbados
Michael L. Thomas, University of West Indies, Barbados
Women and ICT for Open and Distance Learning: Some Formal and Non-Formal Approaches, Experiences and Strategies from the Caribbean

Helena Fehr, Commonwealth of Learning
Workshop description: Addressing gender inequalities in education - Challenges and opportunities for ODL

Anthony DeMatteo, Cambridge College, USA
Workshop description: Adult teaching and learning principles

Peter Fenrich, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Workshop description: Can Technology Be Used to Effectively Teach Practical Skills?

Ontiretse Tau, Centre for Continuing Education, University of Botswana
Robert Chimedza, Zimbabwe Open University
Mamolete Mohapi, National University of Lesotho
Joseph Mutangira, Department of Adult Education
Workshop description: Collaboration to Build Research Capacity in Distance Education Institutions in Southern Africa

Roger Mills, International Research Foundation for Open and Distance Learning
Ros Morpeth, International Research Foundation for Open and Distance Learning
Workshop description: Does research in ODL make a difference? If so why does it have such a low profile?

Helena Fehr, Commonwealth of Learning
Paul West, Commonwealth of Learning
Workshop description: Strategies for strengthening democracy, good governance and social justice initiatives using ODL

Jeanette Bartley, Continuing Education, Open and Distance Learning, University of Technology
Workshop on Institutional Readiness for Facilitating Learner Success in Open and Distance Learning Systems (with particular reference to the experiences of Developing Countries and Small States)

Joris Komen, SchoolNet Namibia
Workshop on SchoolNets

Sue Dark, E-learning Office, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Wayne Mackintosh
Workshop on Using Open Source Educational Technologies and Open Education Resources to support educational design.

Jorgen Blomqvist, World Intellectual Property Organization
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Panel on Copyright

Mitzie Reid, Institute of Caribbean Studies, University of the West Indies
Wresting Opportunities in a Globalized World: A Strategy for Securing the Ascendancy of the Caribbean

Jean Mitchell, Institute for Curriculum and Learning Development, University of South Africa
Writing for publication: the value of writing collaboratively

Hennie Beukes, Centre for External Studies, University of Namibia
Florida Beukes, Centre for External Studies, University of Namibia
Written assignment feedback as an essential part of students' studies in ODL

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